1. What is his name? Stephen Mark.
2. How long did you date? From meeting to marriage was approx. 8 months.
3. How old is he? 31.
4. Who eats more? In general most likely me. When he actually eats normal meals him. He eats way bigger portions, but he could also go all day without eating. He is a camel.
5. Who is taller? He is.
6. Who has more speeding tickets? Him! HeeHee! I've never even been pulled over.
7. Who is more sensitive? Neither one of us is sensitive really, the real question who is more insensitive. Probably this would be him.
8. How long have you been married? 9 years 2 months.
9. Who mows the lawn? Him.

10. Who said I love you first? I believe he did.
11. Who is smarter? Probably him, but I'm usually RIGHT!!
12. Who does the laundry? I do, he tries to help, but it's too scary. He never learned how to separate laundry. Last time he did it he washed my IPOD.
13. Who does the dishes? He does most of the time. I hate doing dishes.
14. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed he does. It's the closet to the door, so when the kids wake up in the middle of the night they come to him first! Good theory anyways, he works grave yard shifts and so we usually don't sleep together.
15. Who pays the bills? I do.
16. Who cooks dinner? I do, sometimes when I go on strike, he will.
17. Who drives when your together? He does. He is the worst back seat driver, I refuse to drive the car when he is in it!
18. Who is more stubborn? Close call, but probably him. He pretty much gets what he wants.
19. Whose parents do you see most? Mine -- they live only 3 hours away.
20. Who proposed? He did.
21. Who has more friends? Me, in fact, he is looking for another golfing buddy in Tulare.
22. Who has more siblings? He does, 2 sisters and 5 brothers.
23. Who wears the pants in the family? I over heard him yesterday telling one of my friends, "You know who wears the pants in this family!" (Referring to me!)
Tag, to whoever wants to do it!
Cute I love the airplane picture. And you really dont want him to find more golfing buddies...then the golf even more! I mean have you ever heard him say...I want you to find more shopping or scrapbooking buddies! ?/ Thanks for stopping by. Katelynn and Brynlee had fun.
What a good husband to do the dishes and get up with the kids in the middle of the night. Nick does his fair share of dishes, but I am totally on my own in the middle of the night. He sleeps like a hybernating bear.
Yes, too bad we didn't get any pictures. We had such a great time too! Hayden still pulls out Ellee's Cinderella panties from the bottom of the pile and squeals, "Ellee's!"
Hey~ I'm trying to be better at taking pics to blog. But I'm sure people dont want to see pics of Trent and I over and over again. I'm working on it. Plus My blog account has given me some problems so there's been many time that i go and try to post a blog and it wont let me. Even Stacy (your sis-n-law) looked at my blog and had trouble. So slowly but surely I'm getting there.
Your kids are darling and you look great!
Yup, Trent and I are at the good ol' parents house but hopfully not for to much longer but we shall see about that. Take Care
Love Rachel
What cute pictures. the airplane picture is the best! how are you doing? haven't seen you for a long time.
Newman!! I love your blog. You are so creative, even on the computer. I hate that!!! I attempted to make my own blog, not nearly as good as yours, but it's fun. I just need to take more pictures and keep adding to it as often as you do. Make sure you stop by the bank the next time you are in town. Barb~
Fun! So what's on your head in the picture, or maybe I should ask, what are you doing?
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